Laura Clark…vocals and rhythm guitar


Laura has been playing music as a singer/songwriter off and on over the span of the last two decades. It has been a winding road traveling to this point, but she is finally making good on her desire to make music her life.

Laura is gifted with many talents, both musically and athletically. Before realizing her latent musical ability she focused mainly on her gift for athletics, specifically gymnastics. So much so that she earned a full scholarship to NIU, where she received several personal accolades and competed at the highest collegiate levels. Her tenure at NIU was rewarding both athletically and intellectually as she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

After college, Laura did what most recent graduates do and entered the “rat race”. During one leg of the race, she decided - on a whim - to start learning to play the guitar. Rather quickly she discovered that she was quite adept with it. Coupled with her vocal talent, her musical ear, and her newly acquired skill of playing the guitar, she set out on her journey into playing and writing music.

Once bitten by the musical bug, Laura settled into the pattern most musicians find themselves in at some point in their journey. Playing solo, finding bandmates, etc. until she came into her own and started The Laura Clark Band. This ensemble played several venues around the Columbus area, including Falannigan’s, The Toledo Music Festival, The Columbus Arts Festival, as well as various other musical stops around Worthington, and also including additional shows at Indian Lake.

Then, it happened - motherhood. Laura dropped out of the music scene for quite a while, during which time she focused her attention on her family and personal growth as a mother. As time carried on, however, her parental responsibilities began to lessen to the point she was able to again start to devote a portion of her time to her musical aspirations…

Fast-forward to the pandemic era where the world went upside down. As bad as everything, for everyone, was during this time it did have a silver lining. The world-mandated shut down of life as we knew it provided her the time - and excuse - to get back to her music. This time she had a plan - and a perfect cohort - to help her in her quest. Her twin sister, Lisa.

Laura and Lisa, being twins, have always had a set of shared interests. It was evident that both had a knack for gymnastics, but more importantly a love of music. Both have an uncanny ability to harmonize with the other and in this ability that the basis of a band was starting to form.

This new band - The Clark Twins Band - has formed and is fronted by the duo of Laura and Lisa. Only a couple of years in the making they are beginning to flood the Columbus music scene with a combination of their take on popular rock covers, mixed in with their own creative works.

Laura Clark…vocals and rhythm guitar